Tuesday, March 25, 2014

People who Constantly Put You Down

Do you have a friend who always judge you? Whether it's your look, the way you talk, or your personality, they just pick on you in the most ways possible.


There may be something in themselves that they find inferior than you, and they feel intimidated by it. It can be your appearance, academic performance or career prospect etc. 

What they're trying to achieve by giving you negative comments all the time is to pull you down to their level and elevate themself. So that they can raise their self-esteem and gain some confidence from you.

How should you respond to the attacks? 


- 1 - 

Act like you think they're crazy or talking shit by giving them immediate facial signs, e.g. a crazy, questioning stare; or

- 2 - 

Change the topic abruptly.


Don't get defensive or start judging yourself like them cos that's what they really want - to make you less competent.

The above opinions and advices are generated from the excellent life coach Marie Dubuque. You may find her via her Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVHOBoWW_iZPexhtMX-uv8Q

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