Everyone has caught up with difficult people. It might be your boss, colleagues, friends and even family.
And sometimes we really don't know how to deal with it except kept dwelling and dwelling into the hatred until it overpowered our emotional well-beings. But we could't let these worthless, non-constructive thoughts waste our time. We gotta STOP. However, every time those people's names, messages or photos popped up, it just brought back bad memories and negative thoughts.
How should we deal with it?
Luckily I've found Ralph Smart, who is an excellent psychologist and makes amazing Youtube videos about spiritual growth. Go check it out and I promise you won't regret it.
He made a video about ways to deal with difficult people, which is by far the most helpful and inspirational video that I've seen addressing such issue. I'm a complete different person after watching the 20-minute video. *Mind-blown* I highly recommend you watch this. The 20 minutes will change your whole perspective of yourself and the others.
"How to Deal With Difficult People" - Infinite Waters (Diving Deep)
Peace. Infinite Waters, Diving Deep once again. Here we’re in nature. It’s beautiful. The birds are singing. The sun is out. Clear blue skies.
How to deal with difficult people, dealing with people we can’t stand, who get on our nerves? It may be your next-door neighbour, your friend, your family member. Someone is gonna push your buttons. How do we deal with this?
For me, on my journey, I’ve found 5 great ways to deal with difficult people.
First and foremost, I look at it like this. There’re no positive people; there’re no negative people. There’s only resonance.
- 1 -
Don't Take it Personal

A lot of people’s problems are not our problems, they’re their problems.
You can’t please everyone. If someone doesn’t like you, that’s too bad. All you can do is just smile for them, realize that don’t take it personal.
If someone is angry at you, 9 times out of 10, they’re dealing with their own personal issues.
- 2 -
Stay Calm

A lot of people that annoy us, they want us to fall into their trap. Difficult people, whether it’s at work, wherever it may be, they want you to battle with them. Whatever you fight, you give energy to. Therefore, resistance makes stronger. Once you can become silent. Say what you want to say, but become silent within yourself, you develop inner peace and balance. And therefore, that difficult person is no longer difficult.
There’re no difficult people. It’s how to interpret what is difficult. It is our interpretation of what it means to be difficult. It’s different for every single person on the planet.
Some people find some people very hard and difficult, because there’re a resonance factor here at work. Every single thing in this universe is based on the law of resonance, based on the law of affinity. Therefore, we attract what we are.
- 3 -
Put Things in Perspective
Stop worrying. Start living. How important is this person, this difficult person? Move pass them. Let it go.
Many of us, we’re holding on, we’re reacting. We must change the way we react to difficult people before we can change the way we interact with them. Everything is based on how we react. The power lies in our hands.
And when we can put things in perspective. So many things are happening all around the world. And guess what? I’m gonna let this person at work, this person down the road, I’m gonna let their fear consume me. No!
That’s how energy vampires work. They can also make us feel inadequate. They take in your energy by you giving them your energy.
So a lot of the time, I realize that, how am I gonna use my energy? We have the power to decide how we distribute our energy. Am I gonna spend all the time ruminating, going over about how much I don’t like this person? The more you focus on something, the more it grows. Therefore, change your focus. Put things in perspective, in their proper place. And then, you just fly. That difficult person is no longer difficult.

Ask yourself, how is this person holding up a mirror to you? Many people who we call difficult are helping us discover who we really are. We have to thank these people, because they’re allowing us to see the unresolved issues within ourselves. They’re allowing us to see things we don’t wanna see about ourselves. And they’re this giant mirror holding up, and we’re looking into our reflection when we look at these people.
It’s all about us. Once we can see that, once we take responsibility for our own feelings, for our own actions, then we no longer give that person sole responsibility for our problems. They no longer are the cause. It’s amazing just simple things you can do to change how you see things.
- 4 -
Put Ourselves in Others' Shoes

So many people on the planet have gone through so much. Some people have gone through emotional hardship growing up.

Because everyone is coming from a different place. Everyone has a different upbringing, a different background. When you can see that, this difficult person is no longer difficult. They’re a walk in the park. Because you don’t take it personally.
- 5 -
Keep it Moving

Do not let difficult people rule your life. Don’t dwell on difficult people, what they have to say to you. In one ear, out the other ear. That’s how I deal with difficult people. I keep it moving.
I realize that, in life, the universe gives everyone a job. Therefore, what we call difficult people.
Some people actually call them psychopaths. What is a psychopath? Let’s break down the words in their atomology. “Psycho” comes from the Greek “Psychic”, meaning “mind”. “Pathy” comes from the Greek “pathos”, meaning “sufferings”. So, “mind-sufferings”.
A lot of people say “this person is a psychopath!”. Many of us we might have even been in a relationship to someone who is psychopathic. You have to keep it moving. And realize that these people are also needed on the planet, because they help you tap into your true self. If everybody on this planet was the same, it’d be a very boring world indeed.
Nature has a sense of humor, and that’s what we have to have when we’re dealing with difficult people. Remember to have a sense of humor when we’re dealing with disagreeable people. But remember that traffic has to move in both directions, just as the heart. Veins are carrying blood towards the heart. Arteries are carrying blood away from the heart. So you always have these motions. The friction is what keeps everything in divine alignment. It keeps everything spinning, moving at super-fast speeds.
But, to deal with difficult people, remember also, that the manipulation on this planet has taken many people out of their element. What is the TV telling you every single day? Mind-control. So, many people are not themselves. Many people are under a spell. That is what you’re dealing with. Zombies, (atomictons?), mindless drones. Therefore, you have to keep it moving. We have to keep it moving. We have to fly.
Becoming lighter is the only way to fly. The more you think about other people, how they’re hurting you inside, the more you actually become other people.
Certain people who are smiling all the time, that energy has to pass through them first, before it reaches you. Therefore, if you can smile to a difficult person, they may not like it, but guess what? You free yourself. You blood chemistry changes. In essence, it’s the attitude we take. The attitude we have is essential when we’re dealing with difficult people. How we respond is the most fundamental part. That is all we have control over. We don’t have control over how other people are thinking.
We came to this planet to have the most expensive human existence, and we’re awakening to a world of infinite possibilities right now on the planet. Therefore, there is no time to be stuck in a petty thought about someone who is most likely insignificant to your life in the grand scheme of things. So we have to sail pass them.
Remember nature has a sense of humor. Every difficult person you is there as a teacher for you. Once you’ve pass that test that they’re here to teach you, they no longer become difficult. They’re difficult because they’re the test for you. Your greatest adviser is your greatest friend.
Don’t let anyone bring you down. They say “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me”, words do hurt. So, once we can actually see that, do not give other people’s words power over your internal condition. To do that, we have to stay neutral. We have to stay in inner balance. Walk around in nature. Change your environment.
A lot of us we place ourselves in environments where there’re a lot of difficult people around. Connect with kinder spirits, people who give you energy, because a lot of difficult people they’re taking your energy away. But they’re not negative people. It’s just that there’s no resonance there. They also deserve their rights to be on this planet, but they’re here to teach you more about yourself.
Embrace every single person you meet, because, in doing so, you see that everything is about your own internal private reality. It’s about your own world. We’re all planets. And that’s why a lot of people don’t get along with certain people, because everyone is operating on a different frequency. We’re all in different polarity. You have the super, super nice people. You have some people who are naturally cold. What are you gonna do? Okay, that’s your issue. I’m sorry I’ve gotta go. See ya. *pinnnnn~* It’s just amazing when you can see that.

When we talk of difficult people, there’s something which I coin as “the emotional drive-by”. It’s when you’re just mining your own business, and guess what? Someone comes to you, they drive you *pinnnnn~ vorrmmmm* And, they just dumped a whole load of baggage on you and they just drive away. *pinnnnn~* They’re gone. They’re vanished. That’s the emotional drive-by. Beware of the emotional drive-by. We need an anti-firewall virus-protection for ourselves right now on the planet.
Many of us we have what we call “kick-the-cat-syndrome” in the society. This is where you go to work, your boss shouts at you. You come home, and you’re so angry that the cat walks pass you and you kick the cat. It’s a transference of energy. And that’s what happens a lot with difficult people we’re dealing with. We’re not their problem. Something else has caused this. That is “kick-the-cat-syndrome”. It is the emotional drive-by that we have to beware of.
By becoming aware that we’re not people’s concerns or worries, we liberate ourselves more so we’re able to deal with anyone. Because everything is based on how we see ourselves. The perception you have on yourself is far more important than the perception other people have of you. It’s all within you.
Let’s celebrate. So the 5 ways to deal with difficult people. No. 1, don’t take it personal; no. 2, keep it moving; no.3, put yourself in their shoes; no.4, put things in perspective; lastly, no.5, stay calm. Breathe easy. Keep your head up. Be aware of body language. That is the 5 secrets of how to deal with anyone you can’t stand. Now there’re no excuses. Become a sovereign being today. Be free. Because that’s what we came here as a limitless being on this planet to shine, to discover who we are. That’s happening right now.
We’re in nature. We’re loving it. We’ve got the birds on that tree, the birds over there. We’ve got the sun over there. What more do you want? Stay well. Infinite Waters, Diving Deep once again. Stay well, stay healthy. Peace.
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