Tuesday, January 29, 2019


/ No more control. /

To be free is the only way out.

Monday, January 28, 2019

PALEO Mind Over Body | Day 8

/ Priority. /

Envision what brings joy to you & your loved ones. Act on it.

Success is inevitable.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

PALEO Mind Over Body | Day 4

/ Sleep quality matters, a lot. /

Lack of sleep in addition to the coldness this morning dragged me away from my usual early training.

Yet, I've decided to shift this to the night time which I found to be much effective for exercising and in restricting the amount of food intake before bed.

Good read to share:

Read Daniel Thomas Hind's answer to What will happen if I don't eat carbs for 3 weeks? on Quora

/ Stay grateful and healthy. /

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

PALEO Mind Over Body | Day 3

/ Back to the regular three meals a day /

Period came, OMAD on hold while Paleo is going strong.

Out and about for lunch but no cheat whatsoever devouring a hearty pot of water-boiled veggies in considerable portion.

Zero intake of refined carbs which would otherwise put me into coma quickly upon returning to my comfy little corner at the office.

Voices from the Deep

Through the waves of memories she sails
into the sea of fragmented remains.
So cold and alone every no one just wander
losing sight of their way back to the every nowhere.

Whispering loud from underneath;
muffled answers from your mouth.
Sweet mumbles still sound the same to me
as before I went under.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

OMAD + PALEO Mind Over Body | Day 2

/ Setting fire to yesterday with the long-awaited dawn so calm and peaceful one can only dream of. /

Alertness at peak, my mind hasn't felt this consciously-awared for such a long while, almost TOO long.

Hit the sack by 11PM last night; woke up by 7:20AM this morning.

Everything went as planned. My Yoga + HIIT had never been easier and breakfast was a forgotten diction.

Mentally satisfied, I fed myself with an article written by a fellow bodybuilder who committed to a 30-day OMAD diet.

Taking note from predecessors, I believe in myself that I can and will do an excellent, or even better job.

But first, remember the following advice:

  • Sufficient sleep equals sufficient discipline.
  • Refined carbohydrates are one of the worst addictions leading to unnecessary cravings every three hours.
  • Us humans don't need excess weight and food which are only the consequences of the food industry, their manipulative adverts as well as our own boredom and declined discipline.
  • Our ancestors were not used to feeding three meals a day, because it was plain unnecessary and only bounding to our mobility which sacrifices our ability to flee in case of attack from predators.

Sticking to this OMAD lifestyle and Paleo diet is not as difficult as one can imagine, unless you have a lot of social gatherings that usually happen in restaurants, which then becomes slightly problematic.

It's gonna be tough, but you can do it and you will, just like how you've made it through the last time.

Just bear in mind:

  • Do only what is right.
  • Try your very best, literally.
  • You, are what you cultivate.
  • Anything in excess is wasteful, as with the mind, nutrition and communication.
  • You can achieve almost anything you set your mind to and take concrete actions for.

/ Success is inevitably on its way. And you, are the deserving one. /

Monday, January 21, 2019

OMAD + PALEO Mind Over Body | Day 1

 / Started out sloppy but ended in an industrious note. /

Woke up late at 7:33AM, yet committed to my usual Yoga + HIIT routine.

Late for 8 minutes to work, to no surprise. But girl, the Libarian, the 'Good Student' who held the record of receiving the most number of Disciplinary Award for six straight years... WHERE has your discipline gone?

One lesson I do learn from this accident is that both the queue and the interval of shuttle bus boost after 9AM.

Freelancing plus private tutoring till 9PM did not sooth my intense craving for food after 24 hours of fasting. Yet, it didn't beat my mental strength, which powered my whole day through my first meal at 10PM at home.

Thanks to mama, who saved me dinner, of just the right portion and the right choice, consisting of mushrooms, veggies, fish, tofu and a few slices of shredded chicken.

Superwoman is an understatement of how much she is capable of. This reminds me of being grateful every day for the love bestowed on me.

A tough, but rewarding day.

/ Delayed Gratification. /
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