Based on my own traumatic experience with a Narcissist, and upon reading a lot of articles on Narcissism and Narcissistic Personality Disorder, it can be concluded that a Narcissist has the following characteristics:
- Dominant and competitive.
- Never really mean to care for anybody.
- See people as tools to help them achieve their own goals, or as energy supply for them.
- Always have the last word.
- Have no empathy or compassion; and pretend to have one in public.
- Cannot stand to have any one else except themselves in their own world.
- Believe they are better and more important than everyone else and basically just look down on everyone, even their boss.
- Would not hesitate to dump those who are of no use to them.
- Broadcast both implicitly and explicitly to everyone that everything about them is the best: their taste, their friends, their toys, their experience etc. And do this repeatedly until they get the admiration and compliments to feed and sustain their inflated ego.
- If they cannot get the ego boost they crave, they feel threatened and would do anything to get their ego fed, for instance, by punishing those people who do not give them the admiration response.
- How do they get energy from those who do not praise them:
- Make that person feel internally inferior to them.
- Whenever something's wrong, they put the blame on that person.
- Even if it's actually their fault, not that person's.
- Grasp any opportunity to devalue that person.
- They think that person is a disgrace to them and would try to not only show a distinction and separation between themselves and that person in front of the others, but also isolate that person from everyone else.
- Good at portraying a fake, positive image of their own to the public.
- Victimize themselves and try to make that person the abuser instead in front of the others.
Below is video which I also find useful in identifying a narcissist, though the tips provided within are a bit vague and require further explanation and instructions.
Now you know how toxic a narcissist is, how should you deal with them when you unfortunately encounter one?
- If possible, just run! As far as you can! Never even deal with them.
- Please bear in mind: the longer you're under their influence, the more it'll scar you mentally, and the longer it'll take you to recover.
- If you must face them, try to give them the ego feed they need by complimenting them or their toys. Hopefully they will think they have you in their hands and won't harm you... yet.
- Don't confront them. Remember they have no empathy and don't feel your pain. They just want to diminish you completely. No matter what, they will always have the last word. And they are illogical and unreasonable to argue with, you will always end up losing.
- The major problem is - they're hard to be spotted. Sometimes you won't even know if you're in one of these relationships until it's probably too late. What we should do is to learn more about their straits, their behaviors and their tactics, so that we will identify it once they used it on us.
- Most importantly, don't ever let other people undermine you. Try to build up a strong foundation for your source of confidence (not upon matters that would deteriorate like physical attractiveness, but on things like intelligence), believe in yourself and don't let others' words get deep inside us.
Hope you find this article helpful and stay narc-free! :)